Jesus Is Lord Church Podcast
In these difficult times, we all the more need encouragement from God’s Word. The Jesus Is Lord Church Worldwide Podcast seeks to bring people closer to Jesus, whenever and wherever. With Biblical teachings, reflections, and insights from our pastors and preachers, you'll discover more of God, which will help you live meaningfully and purposefully. For more details about the JIL ministry, visit www.jilworldwide.org.
73 episodes
Becoming Fruitful Christians | Ptr. Domeng Rivera
Have you ever felt that no matter how hard you try, your efforts still seem inadequate? Rest assured: it is God's will for all His children to be fruitful! In this podcast, join Ptr. Domingo Rivera as he shares extensive insights on how the Lor...
Season 3
Episode 49

Unlocking God's Miraculous Answers: The Power of Calling on Him | Dr. Amor Adela
“There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of every man which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God, the Creator,” as stated by Blaise Pascal. In this podcast, Unlocking God’s Miraculous Answers: The Power of Calling on Him, ex...
Season 3
Episode 48

Uncertain In 2025? Christ Is The Answer | Bro. Eddie Villanueva
Has 2024 been filled with challenges, suffering, and seemingly endless bad news? We have a good news! Tune in to Bro. Eddie C. Villanueva as he shares God’s life-changing Word, which will leave us "Uncertain in 2025" no more. Here’s to a blesse...
Season 3
Episode 47

Have You Received God's Gracious Gift Of Reconciliation? | Bro. Eddie Villanueva
Have You Received God's Gracious Gift of Reconciliation?Hear Bro. Eddie C. Villanueva as he shares a timely and essential message of God's significant gift for all individuals, families, societies, and nations of the world. Be a gift-gi...
Season 3
Episode 46

Fullness of Life | Ptr. Jovi Villanueva-Binalla
Is life measured by the number of years? What kind of life is worth living? Let us explore the secrets of experiencing abundance and discovering greater, deeper blessings, even amid suffering. Listen to Ptr. Jovi Villanueva-Binalla as she share...
Season 3
Episode 45

JIL Church's 46th Anniversary - Christ Is The Answer | Bro. Eddie Villanueva
The world is facing some of its most severe problems: corruption, poverty, human trafficking, drug use, gambling, addiction, abortion, hunger, and broken families. While wickedness rules our present time, the Lord is giving us a chance to prepa...
Season 3
Episode 44

A Season of Great Harvest | Ptr. Noel Casimpoy
The greatest need of humanity is none other than God, and this message must reach more than half of the world's population. How can believers effectively respond to this vital mission? Please listen to this podcast episode as Ptr. Noel Casimpoy...
Season 3
Episode 43

From Wilderness to the Promised Land | Ptr. Alex Garcia
Are you currently facing a period of trials or challenges that involve a spiritual battle within your personal or family life? This difficult phase may feel like you're in a place of 'wilderness', but God intends for you to advance towards your...
Season 3
Episode 42

Cross Over: Breaking The Wilderness Cycle | Ptr. Jerry Ignacio
Has life turned into a journey without a destiny, making it feel like a struggle in the wilderness? There's a huge challenge in making a fearless decision to cross over to one's promised land, no matter what it may be. Listen to Ptr. Jerry Igna...
Season 3
Episode 41

Revival: A Call To Intentional Soul-Winning | Sis. Menchie Tobias
Every believer is handpicked by God to share Christ Jesus to the world. Sis. Menchie Tobias, one of Jesus Is Lord Church pioneers, reveals the strategy, plan, and purpose in fulfilling this "marching order from God." Listen and share this podca...
Season 3
Episode 40

Soul Winning is Being: Being the Embodiment of Jesus' Love to the Broken World | Ptr. Jovi Villanueva - Binalla
How can one win souls in our time? Listen to Pastor Jovi Villanueva-Binalla as she closely examines the ways of Christ in this podcast entitled Soul Winning: Being the Embodiment of Jesus’ Love to the Broken World.
Season 3
Episode 39

Walking Towards a Life of Holiness | Ptr. Virgie Hernandez
Walking towards a life of holiness is not an easy feat. However, there are unimaginably great rewards when we choose to take this road less traveled. Uncover these truths from Pastor Virgie Hernandez in this podcast episode.
Season 3
Episode 38

Revival: A Call To Unbreakable Unity | Ptr. Domeng Rivera
There is a strong need to identify what makes marriages, organizations, and churches thrive together. Pastor Domeng Rivera reveals the principles to achieve unbreakable unity and how these will ultimately propel us to achieve God's purpose. Che...
Season 3
Episode 37

Imitating the Heart of Jesus | Ptr. Jovi Villanueva - Binalla
In a world full of distractions, uncover how following Christ can lead to a peaceful and purposeful life. Tune in to this podcast episode as Ptr. Jovi Villanueva-Binalla lays down the foundations of Imitating the Heart of Jesus.
Season 3
Episode 36

Unity In The Family | Dr. Lilian Garcia
The family has always been central in God's plan. Dr. Lilian Garcia reiterates why families should be protected and further emphasizes, "When families are problematic, the entire society is chaotic." This podcast episode unpacks biblical princi...
Season 3
Episode 35

Imitation of Christ | Ptr. Beng Magallanes
What could be the highest aspiration of a Christian? Listen to this podcast as Ptr. Beng Magallanes shares why striving to imitate Christ should be our aim and guides us on enduring this challenging yet rewarding journey. Tune in and spread the...
Season 3
Episode 34

A Call To Excellent Service | Ptr. Jovi Villanueva - Binalla
If the God we serve is an excellent God, what are the chances that He is looking for you? Ptr. Jovi Villanueva-Binalla reveals three qualities of possessing an excellent spirit from the lives of Daniel, David, and the disciples of Jesus. Hear t...
Season 3
Episode 33

Igniting The Fire of Excellent Service | Ptr. Erla Ignacio
Persecution, social pressure, and internal struggles—these were the challenges that the disciples faced during the time of Christ. These passion-killers remain the same for those who serve the Lord today. Listen to Ptr. Erla Ignacio as she reve...
Season 3
Episode 32

Obey Like Jesus | Ptr. Jovi Villanueva-Binalla
Just like us, Jesus faced struggles such as unanswered prayers, unfruitfulness and betrayal during his earthly life. In this podcast, Ptr. Jovi Villanueva-Binalla discusses how Jesus was able to triumph and demonstrate complete obedience to the...
Season 3
Episode 31

Welcoming Christ In Your Life And In Your Family | Ptr. Alex Garcia
It took the very life of the Son of God to address humanity's foremost problem which is separation from God. Ptr. Alex Garcia reveals the significance of welcoming Christ in our lives and families, granting us insight into reconciling with God ...
Season 3
Episode 30

Jesus Saw Him | Ptr. Dino Tobias
Blindness, whether physical or spiritual, greatly impacts a person’s overall well-being. For today’s episode, listen to Ptr. Dino Tobias as he unravels how Jesus came to give sight to the blind, illumination to the lost, and healing to th...
Season 3
Episode 29

Revival: A Call To Passionate Love | Ptr. Stanley Flores
In this episode, "Revival: A Call To Passionate Love," Ptr. Stanley Flores discusses the significance of loving God with intense enthusiasm and unwavering passion, as commanded in Matthew 22:37-38. He shows the difference between love and passi...
Season 3
Episode 28

Seed of Faith: Understanding and Applying the Biblical Principles of Seed-Faith | Ptr. Alex Garcia
Jesus taught that even the smallest amount of faith comparable to a mustard seed can achieve the seemingly impossible. Let’s listen to Pastor Alex Garcia as he talks about “Seed-Faith: Understanding and Applying its Biblical Principles.” Learn,...
Season 3
Episode 27

Passionately Love God | Ptr. Jovi Villanueva - Binalla
Are there days when you feel there’s no reason to love God because life is going in a worrisome or painful direction? Listen to this message, and let Ptr. Jovi Villanueva-Binalla encourage you with soul-reviving reasons for staying in love with...
Season 3
Episode 26

Reasons Why We Need The Anointing Power Of The Holy Spirit | Bro. Eddie Villanueva
Need healing? Salvation? Transformation? Then, you need the anointing. Listen to Bro. Eddie as he shines a light on the significance of possessing the greatest power any human being could ever have—the anointing power of the Holy Spirit.
Season 3
Episode 25