Jesus Is Lord Church Podcast
In these difficult times, we all the more need encouragement from God’s Word. The Jesus Is Lord Church Worldwide Podcast seeks to bring people closer to Jesus, whenever and wherever. With Biblical teachings, reflections, and insights from our pastors and preachers, you'll discover more of God, which will help you live meaningfully and purposefully. For more details about the JIL ministry, visit
Jesus Is Lord Church Podcast
Jesus the Specialist - Miracles in the Gospel of John | Ptr. Bobot Bernardo
Jesus Is Lord Church Worldwide
Season 2
Episode 1
Miracles confound us. How could the impossible suddenly become possible? How could the laws of nature be bypassed? How could the limitations of science be broken?
But rather than focusing on miracles, let us look at the One who does the miracles. Let us look at His power over nature and His sovereignty over all. Let us look at His greatness, His immensity, His infinity. Because no matter how confounding miracles may be, their end result is to point us to the Miracle Worker Himself... Jesus Christ.
For the next weeks, we will be studying the different miracles in the Gospel of John. Through these miracle accounts, may we discover JESUS THE SPECIALIST.